At HITSA, we want to run the company in a way in which we take responsibility for social and environmental sustainability, as well as financial sustainability.
That is why, in 2020, HITSA developed a strategy for corporate sustainability. We update this strategy continously.
From the beginning, it has been a fundamental principle that we want transparency and documentation on how our activities and production affect the environment. The word “sustainability” frequently appears in advertisements and on websites without any real information about what this actually means. At HITSA, we want to provide as much information as we can. We are careful not to claim that we are sustainable. We think it is more honest to put it this way: we are working towards sustainability.
HITSA is ISO 14001 certified in environmental management and is a member of the UN Global Compact. In addition, we have been associated with the local sustainability network Green Network for several years.
Our CSR report, including ESG key figures, is published once a year. See previous years’ reports here:
We have adopted 6 focus areas for our sustainability efforts:
You can read more about the individual focus areas below.
HITSA developed a strategy for corporate sustainability in 2020.
We have opted to focus on CO2 reduction, as we want to do our share in helping to tackle the global climate challenges. We support the CO2 reduction targets set in the Paris Agreement and being implemented in countries throughout the world.
CO2 reduction
There are a number of sustainability labels and certifications. They communicate complex factors quickly and easily to our customers. What’s more, labels and certifications provide proof that when we talk about sustainability, we take it seriously. That is why we have chosen to focus on sustainability certification.
Sustainability certification
A circular economy is all about keeping resources in the value chain as long as possible – or to put it simply, throwing away as little as possible. That includes recycling, reuse and extending the lifetime of products by, for example, servicing or repairing them. At HITSA we have chosen to work with a circular economy because it makes sense to avoid waste, not only in economic terms but also in terms of the environment. It also contributes to a more circular way of thinking regarding CO2 emissions and sustainable use of the planet’s resources.
We will continue to reduce our total waste – goals are currently being revised.
We will reduce wood waste by 40% from 2024 to 2026
We will reduce metal waste by 15% from 2024 to 2026
A circular economy
HITSA is not only responsible for our own direct environmental, climate and social impacts. We are also responsible for an indirect impact through the suppliers we use. Therefore, we seek knowledge about our suppliers and carefully select which suppliers to work with.
Materials and suppliers
As a company, HITSA not only creates financial value, but also social value. For many years we have practised social responsibility by employing people from the margins of the labour market for shorter or longer periods. Regardless of whether an employee is employed on special or regular terms, HITSA strives to ensure that the employee experiences social sustainability in all aspects of the workplace. Read more about social inclusion at HITSA here.
We want to contribute to the education of young people, which is why from 2023 we have increased the number of fields in which apprentices can be trained.
We consider diversity to be a strength.
Social sustainability
We need to practise what we preach. That is why we continue to work to strengthen social and environmental sustainability at our own three sites in Kolding, Arlöv and Jelgava.
Sustainability at sites registered to HITSA
We continuously strive to achieve the goals and implement the changes described above.
If you are interested in learning more about our work with social and environmental sustainability, then follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram. We post regular updates on our work with sustainability.
HITSA designs and manufactures urban furniture and cycling products.
Our benches, bollards, bicycle racks and shelters provide attractive outdoor environments and good functionality for people in urban spaces. Production takes place at our own facilities, with a focus on design, craftsmanship and quality. As a business, we work on making social inclusion and environmental and climate sustainability a part of our culture.
HITSA has 90 employees at our sites in Denmark and Sweden,, including metalworkers, carpenters, painters, designers, sales staff and installers.
Our values of honesty, responsibility and customer focus serve as guidelines for everything we do. We look forward to hearing how we can assist you.
Albuen 37, 6000 Kolding, Denmark
VAT no. 28 85 41 02
Phone: +45 7557 4155